Wednesday, May 31, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@8:46 PM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
i'm falling in love with everyone and everything in the rock climbing club.
i dont mind my hands and legs being scraped.
i dont mind the cuts and bruises.
i dont mind the sore at the ***** area.
i dont mind getting flappers and whatsoever even though they hurt a great deal.
i hate it.
i want to go to KL.
i want to go to KL.
i want to go to KL.
i want to go to KL.
not with any other randomly wealthy people.
i want to go to KL with the rock climbing team.
i want to climb natural cliffs.
this is getting all over me.
i'm utterly depressed.
i never fail to miss out any overseas trip.
first, pahang.
now, KL.
i miss the rock climbers.
i miss the girls.
i miss the seniors.
i miss the madness in rcc.
im so sad. i really want to go.
this time, ben&jerry's will not do the trick.
i'm going crazy.
i need to engage in something the next few days to get my head off the fact that im not going to KL with them.
i want to go.
i could have been erwina's buddy for the KL trip.
i could have been the one who's busy packing up her haversack for the trip.
i wouldn't have had the time to be blogging right now.
i couldn't go.
i hate it cause' i cant go to KL.
whatever it is. its just not fair.
i shouldnt have fell while going up the stairs. i was such an idiot.
i hate clumsy self.
i love tpjc's rockclimbing club.
i love the fellow j1 climbers.
the J1 female climbers. piggy, chicky, bobby, goosy, winny, ducky.
girls will always be.
wait till i get hold of more pictures from bobby, my farmer cum caretaker. ((:
Savage Garden is the all-time favourite. and this song just started to ring in my ears.
"Crash and Burn"
When you feel all alone
And the world has turned its back on you
Give me a moment please to tame your wild wild heart
I know you feel like the walls are closing in on you
It's hard to find relief and people can be so cold
When darkness is upon your door and you feel like you can't take anymore
Let me be the one you call
If you jump I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone
When you feel all alone
And a loyal friend is hard to find
You're caught in a one way street
With the monsters in your head
When hopes and dreams are far away and
You feel like you can't face the day
Let me be the one you call
If you jump I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone
And there has always been heartache and pain
And when it's over you'll breathe again
You'll breath again
When you feel all alone
And the world has turned its back on you
Give me a moment please
To tame your wild wild heart
Let me be the one you call
If you jump I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone
♥ Loved, yourname
Monday, May 29, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@1:17 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
this is an official post to announce to the world that :
JAZREEL LOVES LEE ANN!she's such a sweet girl i tell you.
now whenever i think of LEE ANN, i never fail to smile. she's SO SWEET.
i really wonder how could i graduate without knowing this dear girl. she's such a sweetheart.
♥ Loved, yourname
Last footprint@12:40 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
Zip says:cos i love weird ppl who love weirder ppl that loves ppl who are weird.
Zip says:
its confusing enof to be confused by a confusing person..but have u ever tried to confuse a confusing person by confusing him with confusing words that will even confuse you who is saying those confusing words cos ure aldy confused.
with his nonsensical nonsense the other time. now, its the weird confusion. that's the crazy boy la.
&& oh ya. dont trust fruits too much. they almost got me killed. or was it something else i ate?
♥ Loved, yourname
Friday, May 26, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@3:38 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
the following post will not make much sense, due to being posted in a state of fatigue. when i was just a little girl, i asked my mother my
mother asked me, "what will
i you be?"
at one,
i was just a little girl.
at two,
i grew and became less little.
at four,
i attended nursery school and had biscuits for 'recess'.
at five or six,
i forgot my school bag and hopped into the school bus after kindergarten school.
at seven,
i wet my skirt during civics and moral lesson.
i started making blue my favourite colour because it was my form teacher's.
i disliked this girl so much i made her cry. (just because i was her group leader and i refused to collect her flimsy purple plastic file.)
at eight,
i was in primary two.
my class photo was taken by the pond in the ecogarden, then.
at nine,
i became a prefect.
i got full marks in maths mcq and the class smartest girl sucked up to me for a day.
at ten,
i became a senior prefect.
i got freaking fat. not too fat.
well, still, i was freaking fat.
i was so mesmerised by the beautiful paintings and murals around the school.
esp those near the toilets.
at eleven,
i tink sabrina got striped off her title as a prefect. (wait, did she even get through the second year? dubious.. )
i became lanky :X
and was less fat.
i was still a senior prefect.
i sabotaged the drama club's performance on Founders' Day by thinking that i was unimportant and not needed.
at twelve,
my best friend rachel had my hair snipped off at an unequal length in her humble home.
psle was a matter of life and death.
i proceeded to Temasek Secondary School with my measely PSLE T-score.
and i graduated as a senior senior senior prefect of SHPS.
at thirteen,
i became the class manager because i got sabotaged by people i haven't made friends with.
people started hating me in school.
i got stuck to sabrina ng huay min for the first three months.
and we combed tampines mall after sch daily. we knew everything abt tm.
i started getting so close to this girl, who has her face shaped like an egg/mango, in my class, despite the fact that we had pretty bad first impressions of each other.
we were then known as the inseparable 'twins'.
i got my first boyfriend.
i began to think that my first boyfriend will eventually be my husband.
i sank into a bottomless pit called love. (that's blindness, for you.)
at forteen,
i begged miss tang so hard just to allow me to step down as the class manager.
officially, a sports captain i became.
i did countless TAF duties alone during recess. those jumping jacks.
and i never did remember ever seeing reza by my side during TAF duties.
i mugged.
i skipped netball trainings ever so often and got into a great deal of trouble.
joined chess club for idunnowhat reason. and quit after a coupla sessions.
i continued mugging.
and made it to the triple science class.
i was still with my first boyfriend.
at fifteen,
i was gawked by the fact that they threw me into a rojak class.
i first spoke to my dearest vicki cause' she was seated next to me and unfortunately/fortunately, i needed the correction tape :X how loser-ish i was..
formed the jie mei dang with another person.
for the first time in my entire life, ive had my long hair cut. superbly short. i thought i'llbecome a boy.
i had to force myself to pin my awful hair with skinny hairpins.
i failed physics biology amaths so often in class tests.
but managed to scrape through the final year exams.
still, the first boyfriend still existed.
at sixteen,
i told myself i had to start studying for the o levels.
started off my chinese notebook by writing "A1, here i come! (in chinese)" on the cover page. how corny.
had amaths tuition.
i was backstabbed by a friend.
i witnessed the disband of jie mei dang.
i had to tolerate the nonsense my tutor gives me every week.
mugged. studied. mugged. and studied somemore. and even more.
got miss yati to help pull me through my overall cca grade.
i was a super senior, sports captain.
i had prelims for the second time in life.
my first boyfriend became my first enemy. and stopped being my boyfriend.
i realised that love is all crap.
i was pissed for the longest time throughout my entire lifespan.
i loathe him so much.
and lost all confidence in the male species.
love is just bullsh*t in terms of bgr.
i got myself back together.
o levels.
graduation night.
on the last day of 2005, my first enemy asked if he could return to my life as my first boyfriend. you wish.
i still couldnt get him off my puny head.
at seventeen,
the first boyfriend cum enemy was all forgotten gradually.
i grew oblivious to his existence.
tjc for first three months.
08/06 . touch rugby.
i enjoyed life all over again.
o level results. cried.
posting. cried again.
innova jc.
tampines jc.
ive decided to let the first boyfriend remain as a history.
and thought of not having anymore boyfriends.
im not a councillor, not a subject rep, not in the class committee.
im just a plain normal student in 06S07 rockclimbing club.
i sleep for barely 4 hours every school day.
i wasted all my time doing stupid things like blogging.
at this tender age, i could well read the time off the clock. it says '3:37AM'. and i wonder what am i doing to deprive myself of my sleep.
i wasted too much time doing stupid things. time on the first boyfriend. time on skipping netball. time on stoning. time on tving. time on having too much fun.
good morning.
♥ Loved, yourname
Thursday, May 25, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@1:11 PM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
boy am i glad common tests are over for now. halfday day break. finally. just HALF day. it kills not being able to get enough rest everyday. getting a borderline pass in maths cos i freaked and broke out in cold sweat and was akin to falling asleep ever so often. how saddening is that? don't mention.
chinese was.. speechless.
econs was.. okay.
the results shall speak of my efforts (hopefully).
pumpfest tml. jittery.
extra lessons. make up lectures. great singapore sale. sentosa. meet ups. ben&jerrys. meiling. sabrina. vicki. matilda. sports cap camp? . study. eat. tv. msn. blog. study. study. snack. pig out. study. study. study. camera whore-ing. LOL. study.i LOVE ZHIYANGXIANG !lol :X ok, ignore me.
♥ Loved, yourname
Thursday, May 18, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@6:34 PM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
my favourite website,, is down. omg why.
head and shoulders fingers and toes.throbbing headache.
unexplained bruises on shoulders.
rotten fingers.
useless toes.
i feel so useless.
so lousy.
so wasted.
i hate being stuck at tile one. darn it. im so lousy.
angry. sad. lost. depressed.
school's killing me.
♥ Loved, yourname
Sunday, May 14, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@5:46 PM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
if you must insist, fine.
SABRINA NG HUAY MIN.first and foremost, the pics u have there posted in your blog are
MINE. so ya, be mindful. i sent you MY ZHIYANG'S PICTURES which JAZREEL took using JAZREEL'S CAMERA. so naturally, u're just helping me to spread the good word of jazreel's love for zhiyang. ((:
*ahem ahem ahem*. whereas, i'm carefree and can have my time and energy spent on MY ZHIYANG.
EVEN U KNOW THAT IM ZHIYANG CRAZY. omg ure such an idiot la.

a picture of me and that idiot, SABRINA NG TAU POK. don't question my love for him. it runs deep within. you're just superficial la. LOLLLLLL.
rushed to mjc on thursday after gp essay test at 6pm. changed out of my bus driver uniform and slipped into the factory worker's. bickered with sabrina all the way from the time she saw me till the time we got into the cab. people must have been wondering what were those two idiotic meridians doing in tpjc's compound. stupid idiot sabrina took yeesam's file thinking that it was mine. my file is lime green pls. :X she made me carry extra crap in my bag. all thanks to sabrina's blurness and absolutely goondu-ness. and haha i saw cat. well. zhiyang made my day. totally. & i was this close to getting his signature. arggg so sad ): LOL. nonetheless, a great way to break into the long weekend. zhiyang is just so very cute. im drawn to him. (:
woke up late for climbing at tanjong pagar. prorastinated but stil went climbing in the end. walked two huge rounds around tpjc. lugged harnesses ATC climbingshoes from school to the bus.. to mrt.. all the way to tanjong pagar. wina and i tailed 3 fellas. miraculously, we arrived at climbadventure without help from anyone else. stoned and felt sad on the chair. but got down to climbing after wallowing in self pity :X
Saturday :
maths lecture. maths test results. argh. met VICKI & boy am i glad i (probably) managed to surprise her. LOL. im still wondering if u're not wanting to meet me but him instead. ok anw.
VICKI! I HOPE U LIKED MY LITTLE THOUGHTS. (: keep the redemption coupon! I PROMISE U THAT IT'LL COME TO REALITY ONCE IM EARNING BIG BUCKS. hehe. trust me la! anw, hope u liked the cake too. fond memories it brings, doesnt it? whatever it is, LOVLOVE ALWAYS!
went to meet crazy sister at orchard. had a ball of time. i was this close to getting a birki subsidised. LOL. and too bad i couldnt find my bag and wallet. nvm, JUNE SAN, NEX TIME I'LL GO OUT WITH U! AND u should know what to do. ((: LOLLL.
i almost forgot about my intended agenda in blogging today.
SABRINA NG ADMIT IT. and dont do such things anymore again. i love zhiyang and u know it. hahahah!
oh btw everyone. i screwed up my chinese orals, as expected. SIGH.
what utter disappointment.
u love ur's too, don't u? :D
♥ Loved, yourname
Tuesday, May 09, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@6:30 PM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
MOTHER TONGUE oral coming up this week. i'm so dead.
i asked my chinese teacher this afternoon : "Lao shi, wo men.. wo men.. ne ge.. ne ge.. kou shi hor.. zai when ah? ne ge.. ne ge.. "
"jiu shi zhe ge xing qi ah.
haha, ni yao duo shuo dian hua yu." and yes, he was sniggering away.
in my think im still trying hard to convince my friends that i can "speak chinese".
"ehh weimin, this is a perfectly correct chinese sentence i know!"
*weimin listens closely..*
"wo de ming zi jiao chen mei xing"
*laughs!* "wrong la! wo de ming zi SHI chen mei xing. it's wo jiao chen mei xing!"
i dont't see why my chinese is not improving since im attending and attempting my chinese tutorials fervently. hahaha. i do my chinese hmwk ok.
i dont remember myself speaking my own mother tongue language in such a weird tone. monotany? mandarin now seems like a total foreign lingo. liu lao shi would have been so disappointed if she sees me speaking in such manner. i need to eat more
chao fan (fried rice) to curb the
ma ling shu (potato) in me. aww man.
i miss 4E.
omg i can go bang my head against the wall.
& mother tongue oral's this week. econs test nex week. maths test today. surprise bio sh*t. i cant identify cells under the microscope. wth parenchyma collenchyma sclerechyma (sp?). chemical bonding. redox. econs common test. intensive climbing. no to KL. zhiyang this thurs. gp essay test this thurs. pe. gp. gp and more gp. china china and more china. i grasp no concept on sequences and series. PW is fun time, for now.
i tink im getting a new tech gadget. trigger-happy! ((: YES YES YES!!
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to sum it up, i need to let everyone know this one thing. just this one thing.
我的名字是陈美杏。 我叫陈美杏。 这个星期考口试。HOW!?!?*hello my dear boy, i really wonder how long do you take to type out your mother tongue homework blog just to appease that teacher of yours. 3 strings of words already killed me. hahaha!!and stepping away from this blog, i shall do this once again. well, its a once a year affair, so here i go. ((:
陈惠清 ! 我爱你! 祝你生日快乐! 哇!!! 你已经十七岁了!
hey dearest VICKI! a happy happy happy happy birthday to yiou! i apologise for not being able to celebrate this special day with you. haha. wad's a birthday without me right? :X ok anw, i hope u did enjoy ur birthday! like finally, WE'RE ALL SEVENTEEN! aww poor matilda. haha!
we're getting on with age, arent we. terrible. no matter what it is, i want YOU to know that, I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU. okokok?? nvm the tests and exams. we'll conquer them all at the end of the day. definitely!! and let loose ya? DONT FEEL GUILTY FOR NOT STUDYING ON UR BIRTHDAY! this is YOUR BIRTHDAY! (: once again, i thank you for being so direct(even thou it hurts me at times). whatever it is, TAKE GOOD CARE AND WE SHALL MEET UP SOME DAY AGAIN OK? i still remember u telling me, "i feel that its ok remaining silent when its just the two of us. i will very uncomfortable when there's silence when im among other pp!" awww man... haha.
♥ Loved, yourname
Sunday, May 07, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@1:05 PM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
i'm not appearing offline. cause this time round, i dont even bother signing in to msn. i'd rather stone in front of my blog than to do so in front of the msn contact list. im not gonna bother myself with people who're online. its the weekends. im tired. and im terribly annoyed by the entire rote learning thing.
i'm stuck.
Monday : GP testTuesday : Maths TestWednesday : CLIMBING! :XThursday : GP Test : & OMG ZHIYANG!! Friday : let me rest.i love snow peas ((:
♥ Loved, yourname
Saturday, May 06, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@5:51 PM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
hail the weekends? i dread its arrival. arghh. heaps and heaps of work waiting to be done. test after test. worst of all, im lazing thru my weekends. isnt it a time to rest!! )): i havent done anything all day. NOTHING AT ALL. &it's already mid day. this is terrifying.
met up with sab vic and mat yest! FINALLY! saw adriano again. haha. i was wishing he could morph into zhiyang. LOL. wishful thinking. i need to go climbing starting nex wed no matter what. ive got tonnes of school work to catch up with.
nonetheless, i love going to school. (((:
&im the five letter word once again,
to younoewho. ((: FRIENDS FOREBAA! lol
i love gorgeous babes. urgg.
♥ Loved, yourname
Monday, May 01, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@11:40 PM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
----------FEBRUARY BABY --------------------Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. sexiest out of everyone. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Horny. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.
im happy cos' i've got
ZHIYANG in my hp. :X LOL. &i noe i'm gonna die cos ive got an econs test tml. gawd.
SABRINA NG ; SOON SOON SOON. this week's not the week. so it's gonna snowball that
2 weeks to THREE. OMG )): MISSING EU` !
♥ Loved, yourname