Tuesday, July 25, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@11:19 PM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
i'd give u a million bucks to kill my best fren says:
kill me on behalf of sabrina, and you get a million bucks. says:
i'd give u a million bucks to kill my best fren says:
kill me on behalf of sabrina, and you get a million bucks. says:
i'd give u a million bucks to kill my best fren says:
kill me on behalf of sabrina, and you get a million bucks. says:
i'd give u a million bucks to kill my best fren says:
i'd give u a million bucks to kill my best fren says:
i got nth to say to u
i'd give u a million bucks to kill my best fren says:
do u hav anything to say to mei'd give u a million bucks to kill my best fren says:
kill me on behalf of sabrina, and you get a million bucks. says:
ya i oso
kill me on behalf of sabrina, and you get a million bucks. says:
oh hahahahah .
im so sleepy.
im going to yishun tomorrow! :X
♥ Loved, yourname
Monday, July 24, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@12:09 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
i've mastered the art of stoning.
and im good at it.
i've mastered the art of peeping at girls in the next cubicle.
and im good at it.
i've mastered the art of talking to myself.
and no one else is better than me in doing so.
i'm crap la.
waiting for ocip interview results. waiting.. waiting.. and still waiting..
eom. eom. respiration. respiration. induction. induction. nervous. nervous. organic. organic. insights. insights. xian sheng. xian sheng. crime. crime. punishment. punishment. paedophile. paedophile.
sieas presentation is over. and rahman is so owned. haha. i love jasmine and tiffany lah.
the Tiffany's were excellent on court for interhouse netball. (:
CO concert was great eventhough i have zero sense of appreciation for guzheng or flute or cello or whatever nonsense. and i saw xinyan for only 1min :X eeeyer. nonetheless. :D loves.
my eye is annoying me on alternate days. it's stupid.
&vicki is such a nice girl ok. love.
sabrina is kuku.
chemistry spa trial. boring.seasports carnival tml. waste time. eom. stupid.
♥ Loved, yourname
Sunday, July 23, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@12:19 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo, but what you need is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.
— Oprah Winfrey
life is wonderful.
ahh yada yada.
♥ Loved, yourname
Tuesday, July 18, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@12:30 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
Dearest teddy,
please cheer up. any problem will eventualy be resolved. it doesn't take one second for a miracle to happen. see God at work. acknowledge His grace and mercy. The Lord is your bestfriend, remember ? Watch your bestfriend do great things. The greatest things in your life. (: and, i want to see the vibrant and cheery smile of yours soon, ok?
I love you, brother.
*presses the teddy tummy* (:
thankyou for being there when i needed someone to pour out to. someone to hear me rant and rave. you were there, always.
i can't do or say much to help make you feel better. but,
Do see it as a test that God is putting you through.
A difficult task it may be. but it can be fulfilled. (:
Seek refuge in the Lord.
I believe in you, teddy.
♥ Loved, yourname
Last footprint@12:26 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
i'm done with my first draft for eom. i am jubilant, esctatic, euphoric, happy, elated, whooping for joy and whatnorts.
but i'm not totally absolutely 100% happy inside.
i kind of cause sabrina the stupid girl to cry today. i reckon she misses me too much, no? haha.
today is a terrible day.
my teddybear is sad.
my bestfriend is feeling a little low.
myself is feeling out of the world.
dejected, rejected and neglected.
ok, nonsense.i am beginning to dread school. i havent been having enough sleep. i want the clock to stop ticking this moment. what wishful thinking.
i've this strong desire to visit the library. haha. the power of books.
tpjc library is the best place on earth. paradise i must say.
noise level as high as a million decibels (ok whatever the audible range is);
more crowded than carrefour;
and the librarians are crazy people.
the school management is horrendous.
okii a little advertising today.. (:
Sign up for Inter House Rock Climbing Competition Today!Dear TPJCians,
The Rock Climbing Club will be organising the Inter House Rock Climbing Competition on 2nd August, Wednesday (individual preliminaries and team) and 4th August, Friday (individual finals) at 2.30pm at our own rock wall. The 3 categories which you can sign up for are:
(i) Boys Individual
(ii) Girls Individual
(iii) Mixed Team Category (4 person whereby 1 person must be of opposite gender)
Top 3 placings for each category will receive trophies. Do sign up at the booth outside the canteen from tomorrow onwards or you may approach any of the rock climbing club members to sign up! Do come and join in for a fun-filled high adrenaline experience. No prior experience is needed. There will also be free climbing clinic for everyone who sign up for the competition. The clinics will be on 24th Jul and 31 Jul, 4.10pm onwards at our rock wall.
tutors interested are welcomed to join in the fun with their students!
i hereby urge all tpjcians to join the interhouse rockclimbing competition. You'll get to meet top notch belayers at this year's event. Your life is in our hands. Our safe hands. Fret not, Jazreel is a good belayer lah . haha
♥ Loved, yourname
Monday, July 17, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@12:56 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
i love my bestfriend.
i love my stupid bestfriend.
she is so stupid.
she is a fishball.
of course i dont mean that she's literally stupid.
hahaha. actaully she's cute lar (:
her definition of died = no batt.
mine = really dead. no more chance of survival.
totally tak connect.
ive been so busy getting all emotional through the weekend. but great, the tides are cleared.
projects are weighing down on me quite abit. completing my first eom draft.
i miss the times i shared with my schoolmates in temasek 365days ago. i miss everything wonderful about school. 4E. 4E. and more 4E. somehow, i miss homework time (rather, Protected Time For Subject Mastery) .
JC is taxing. sometimes i wonder what am i doing in that college. well, the reason being, that is where the Lord wants me to be. He made the decision for me. So i'll abide and live with it. though sometimes.. okay don't ever question.
Remember, the Lord is merciful. He listens and he knows what's best for us.
Good night. (: life is wonderful. and time waits for no man.
God, when we don't feel your presence, remind us that you are with us
always. Amen.
♥ Loved, yourname
Sunday, July 16, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@2:21 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
Story of the Day (tpjc.net; hahaha)
Sun 16 Jul 2006
The Mountain StoryA son and his father were walking on the mountains.
Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain:
Curious, he yells: "Who are you?"
He receives the answer: "Who are you?"
Angered at the response, he screams: "Coward!"
He receives the answer: "Coward!"
He looks to his father and asks: "What's going on?"
The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention."
And then he screams to the mountain: "I admire you!"
The voice answers: "I admire you!"
Again the man screams: "You are a champion!"
The voice answers: "You are a champion!"
The boy is surprised, but does not understand.
Then the father explains: "People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE.
It gives you back everything you say or do.
Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.
If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart.
If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence.
This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life;
Life will give you back everything you have given to it."
i'm sorry to those we can't wait to see my blog lose its presence. however i've decided to stay for memory's keepsake and the immense pleasure derieved everytime i change my blogskin. yes, that is my hobby. my interest.
continue to bear with my nonsense. but don't probe in further if what interests me doesnt interest you. u're not obliged to care. thankyou.
because i've got my bestfriend, the cow, the teddybear, and my every other friend.
and afterall, my blog is my diary. God bless.
♥ Loved, yourname
Last footprint@2:10 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
bestfriend's hp died on her. so i shall throw my hp away too.
my handphone was labelled "useless" right from the start.
useless = i don't need to use it.
useless = there's no reason for me to use it.
useless = there'e no point using it.
♥ Loved, yourname
Wednesday, July 12, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@11:59 PM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
honestly, i want to sit in a bin. the green bin we see so often in public.
i just want to feel how it's like to be rubbish.
and i want to sleep in the evenBIGGERbin. not exactly a bin. but i don't know what it's called.
had this dialogue session thing today. COE of JTC came down to TPJC for yadayada reasons.
about 4mins before the dialogue session, (in the canteen)
Mr. Kevin Ng, my favourite tutor (lol) looked at jas xy and me; and pointed to his watch.
"Quick, quick. you're gonna be late."
i looked at him and asked, "so what if we don't go ah?"
"CWO loh."
"CWO do what? pick rubbish ah?"
he nodded head. and guess what i said. :X
"not bad what. pick rubbish."
"HUH!?!? nonono. go.." and he pointed in the direction to wher the audi is.
ok. byebye. a pointless conv to many. but i just love the blur and lol Mr. Kevin Ng. hahaa (:
nights. shagged. tired. stoned. SLEEPING. really. zzzzzzzzzz. and URG. im going to hear the annoying song AGAIN. its thursday ZZZ.
whoever, SMS ME SMS ME, if need be.
♥ Loved, yourname
Monday, July 10, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@3:22 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
reading brings about an entirely fresh experience this time round. unlike reading in primary school days about old tree willy(s), the lifeless Peter & Jane, a wholelot of Enid Blyton and i never figured the Famous 5. i've gained alot of insights through the recent readings. Reader's Digest never seem to be this inspirational in the past. and fictional stories are truly amazing. it changed my life!
ya right.. "Look into you heart - and go after what you really want."
wonderful, isn't it?
i miss watching Aladdin and Lion King. pretty sad for a childhood recollection.
to CHEW : okay.. i'm not close enough to you that i'm actually given the permission to call you chew. i apologise for that; sorry. but that's the only way for me to your grab attention and only YOU know i'm referring to YOU. (: sorrysorry..
ahh anyway, i haven't been seeing you online or hearing from you since .. hmms, a coupla days? :X quite long i must say.. well please get to me soon. via sms or email. (: or you can just give me a call! haha, takecare and rest well. hope to hear from you. and again, You're missed.
love, jaz.
and with regards to the spammers, you're not gonna stir up havoc within me. i remain composed. fine, if you're displeased. i'm not going to enlarge my font size for the fact that you're blind. the font is gonna remain that way. the way i like it, the way i'm happy with. afterall, i didnt beg you to visit my blog. however, if it pleases you, do feel free to drop by. i will always welcome you. and who knows, probably one day, your constructive comment will be taken into account. but it's highly unlikely for you to come up with a meaningful tag. try harder.
i'll be kind, even to unkind people like you. cos' the Lord told me, to LOVE MY ENEMIES.
hello enemy, i love you. Seriously.
for the fact that you bother to drop me a tag, then i guess i actually do mean something to you.
thank you for loving me too, then.
as a matter of fact, im not a hypocrite. if i like you, i really do. if i dislike you, i don't even care. right now, i don't dislike you. i am sane. not insane like you who goes around hating people. cause i don't even know who in the world are you. whichever ken you are. or probably you've got a totally different name like Sam or Brad or Peterson. well, i don't really care. to reiterate, if you think i'm a hypocrite judging from the basis of my blog entries. im so sorry. you don't even know me. not a slightest bit. so don't judge me like i'm your bestfriend. cos even my best friend doenst judge me.
for your information, i don't stay up to type blog entries just trying to fake it and pose as someone whom i am not. i have better things to do (: get that seep through the creaks of your little non-existent mind.
i can well manage my anger. you pose zero threat.
though i'll be really hurt if i ever do find out that you are my friend.. someone whom i love truly. nvm.
okay and its off to
world cup!
PW or sleep. though i'm not in the least interested. anyway, im rooting for FRANCE! for a good cause of course.
please don't let it be a draw.
May France win.
then i can get my ice cream.
okay, for some laughs :

♥ Loved, yourname
Sunday, July 09, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@5:36 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
15cm. i am a cute boy. agog. says:
U ARE WEIRD LAA facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] cos life aint worth waitin for says:
EH15cm. i am a cute boy. agog. says:
DUN CALL ME EHA facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] cos life aint worth waitin for says:
pls dun use tht adjective on meA facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] cos life aint worth waitin for says:
thanks15cm. i am a cute boy. agog. says:
I DIN SAY FUNNY.A facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] cos life aint worth waitin for says:
i dun like it likewise15cm. i am a cute boy. agog. says:
BUT U ARE FUNNY, IN A WEIRD MANNER.A facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] cos life aint worth waitin for says:
wadevawhy is she so strange? care to give me a clue?15cm. i am a cute boy. agog. says:
WHERE CAN FAIRER ONEA facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] cos life aint worth waitin for says:
I KNOW MYSELF15cm. i am a cute boy. agog. says:
UNLESS PUT SOME MASK OR SMTH15cm. i am a cute boy. agog. says:
U DUNNO URSELFA facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] cos life aint worth waitin for says:
I HAVA facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] cos life aint worth waitin for says:
I USE WHITENIN STUFF15cm. i am a cute boy. agog. says:
HAV WAD15cm. i am a cute boy. agog. says:
NO WONDERA facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] cos life aint worth waitin for says:
ALOT15cm. i am a cute boy. agog. says:
WHAT A LOSER15cm. i am a cute boy. agog. says:
HAHAA facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] cos life aint worth waitin for says:
HEHwe are so mad.
my bestfriend is crazy.
i can call her a stupid moron and she'll just say
&oiiii. GERMANY WON!? yuckk.
♥ Loved, yourname
Saturday, July 08, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@2:03 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
MUNCH sounds so cool.
i love
ELYSE so true.
anything for you.
everything i'll do
just to see you happy.
i'm always there for you.
(: i hope i can always bring you cheery days during our stay in tpjc. and even after.
stay strong and we can overcome all odds!
I have your hand in mine. I'll pick you when you fall. and I'll pull you when you stop. I'll train hard during climbing so that i can carry you when you're tired.
♥ Loved, yourname
Last footprint@1:36 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
was watching the hongkong drama serial all about cake baking, and happily stuffing slices of orange into my mouth after bathing and dinner. (yes, I BATHE BEFORE DINNER OK.)
Then out of the blue.
My mother said,
"Got boyfriend nevermind. But if break up or what, dont take it too seriously. Take things easily. If break up just break up loh. Nothing one.
blahBlahBLAH... "
i stopped eating instantaneously and stared at her,
"Sorry hor, i got no boyfriend."
and went back to stuffing oranges into my mouth like how you would stuff rosemary(s) or maryrose(s) or whatever weird spice or ingredient that has that mary word, into a turkey.
oh ha-ha-ha. why is my mother so random.
and i'm finally feeling so tired. this week totally sucked.

pain is insane. and my climbing shoes have drove me insane.
my feet are undergoing
that much amount of pain.
having a school song is akin to having no school song in tpjc. it's deemed USELESS la. i am so certain that 99% of the school population have no idea as to what the lyrics exactly are. 1% being the councillors who are obligated to
know the school song (but that doesn't seem like the case, anyway. their mouths are all kept shut). i simply see no point in wasting 3 odd minutes every thursday morning just to hear them play the terrible medley of the sickening school song. we're merely observing silence for the school that's probably gonna collapse tomorrow.
tjc's school song has this military aire. pretty receital and formal. but it's good. at least i still do know the lyrics.
mjc's school song is hip and rock. its so enthusiastic.
innova has no school song currently.
well, i'd rather tpjc has no school song.
tpjc's school song makes me feel like ive just wasted all my strength running to school only to find myself stepping into kiddy palace or faerieland or wadsoever magically fantasized island that is dominated by green goblins and elves. SO FAIRYTALE-ISH. SO STUPID.
i break into spasms of laughter. the school song freaks me out. just as much as the school bulding does. ok nvm. ive quite gotten over the
MySchoolisSoGonnaCollapseAnyMoment thought. it's stupid of me to think that way la.
anw JCT didn't turn out to be too bad. eventhough ryan owned me in bio and chem and chi and econs. marginally okay. we both suck la. i owned him in.. oh. maths. only maths. :X how pathetic. Phoa Bao Zhong you kuku. im gonna stuff more newspapers into your shoes man ((: haha.
and hello everybody, don't slack cause the common tests are over but study hard cause the promos are approaching. 10 more weeks. no more time.
and i'm gonna die this weekend.
- PW research
- Econs ppt. presentation
- treasure hunt in my home.
i need to bump into POOMEILING anytime soon in school again. i need to. i want to tell you alot alot of stuff. i know its so retarded of me to be so animated and with all that little actions and crazy noises i make. (mind me, i was from drama club in primary school ok. useless and lousy. but so what. i was from DRAMA OK. ) and its purely insane to tickle you with the tpjc school song crap. i need to tell you about me having seen you at primary level. and classmates and uppersec nonsense in temasek. plus all the tpjc rubbish. and i want my ben&jerrys.
i haven't been quite happy. i need ice cream.
ok byebye. i love mr. kevin ng. he is so nice. so encouraging. and he's ever so supportive.
but i need it anyway. i need people to be nice to me.
URGG ! i'm a pampered childish freak who's often said to be living in denial. that's crap la.
but in any way, continue to be nice to me. cause i've always been nice, haven't i? ):
i will care for you if you care for me. but even if you don't care about me,
i will care about you. i care i care i care. i just hope im not caring too much.
you deserve my care, right?
♥ Loved, yourname
Wednesday, July 05, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@10:46 PM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
lalalalalalalalaaaaa ...
!ive been behind brazil all my life. it's not like i actually know who is in the team. and i don't even watch soccer :X
jazreel is a cute boy who supports
♥ Loved, yourname
Last footprint@10:34 PM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
- Do you have pets? yes
- What are they? a pair of crabs.
- are they dead? yes, one of them is.
- What are their names? H and C . for the fact that they are Hermit Crabs.
- it yes to question 3, all pets died? either H or C did. i don't know which is which.
- How much did they cost you? i don't know.
- Are they yours? no.
- if no to question 7, then why are they YOURS now? my uncle left the crabs with me while on an overseas business trop. He's taking
THEM it back, i hope. - how much does it cost to feel them? $4 for a pack of crab cuisine. probably lasts for a year.
- when did they die? yesterday. 7th July 2006. Either H or C left.
- Why did they die? i dunno. fed them regularly but im not sure if they even eat their food. changed the water. (not everyday; but changed anyway.) then either H or C's pincer fell off 2days ago. my sister said it was OK. it's NORMAL. it's FINE. but hey, it died. decided to change the water yest. i poked the dead crab cos it was so still. it refused to move. cause it can't. it died. it turned grey. alluring red to dull grey. the water smelt terrible..
i killed the crab. i killed the crab. ): SIGH
Sorry Mr. Krabs.. Sorry Mr. Krabs..
sorry sorry sorry. )': i'll take care of H (or C; whichever is the one that's alive) . sorry i caused your death ):
♥ Loved, yourname
Tuesday, July 04, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@12:01 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
A facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] baby. i really hate waitin' says:
i dun care abt u
A facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] baby. i really hate waitin' says:
jazreel. says:
look at this best friend. gosh. and one of her blog entry writes..
YES, JAZREEL TAN MEI MEI IS MY IRREPLACEABLE BEST FREN. tho we always behave like mad goondus on the street, fighting, squabbling and laughing. WE ARE CFM. (LOL, CFM) BESTFRENS FOR LIFE. ilovejaz! <3
but haha she still loves me (:
A facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] baby. i really hate waitin' says:
A facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] baby. i really hate waitin' says:
wah lau go and slp la
A facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] baby. i really hate waitin' says:
u're hopeless man
ok whatever goodnight. im addicted to my blog. :X and this is bad. 100% bad.
i've got a fever im hot, i cant be stop! IVE GOT A FEVER!!! WHOO!! :X
♥ Loved, yourname
Monday, July 03, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@8:19 PM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
met up with the babes this afternoon (: i miss them SO much.
combed bugis.
today is a great day.
i bought a kitkat chocolate in aid of PCC. sab is sooo fake. HAHA.
feeling so much better.
results tomorrow.
chinese orals on wed.
im getting my climbing shoes!!! (:
( 3rd july ;
snappy happy. )

sabrina, please blog. thankyou. byebye. i want to sleep early tonight. tomorrow is
the day. oh yes, more results. hahah.
♥ Loved, yourname
Sunday, July 02, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@1:11 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
hello. ive updated my friendster. and im so happy for idunnowhat reason. i know i should be sleeping and resting. but. ok sheesh. nvm. the time now is
secret cos it's super not late. its super early. and im expecting the sun to rise in probably 60mins. :X
yay anyway.
(click on the HERE word.)
♥ Loved, yourname
Saturday, July 01, 2006 ♥
Last footprint@12:21 AM
Dear diary,
I'm falling in love..
jazreel. says:
jazreel. says:
i din get enough rest i tink
jazreel. says:
i felt like shit this morining
jazreel. says:
nd went to sch feeling really bad
jazreel. says:
and my ct said i looked damn pale
jazreel. says:
and i almost died during rock
jazreel. says:
A facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] i think i need external help from god says:
A facade of reality -bcos i said so. [[ www.screamz.blogspot.com ]] i think i need external help from god says:
jazreel. says:
u still can HA HA HA. i dunno wad to say liao. ):
that was a conv. between SABRINA NG HUAY MIN and JAZREEL TAN MEI XING pls.
i got NOTHING TO SAY la. so caring can this friend. ZZZZ
ya so basically im not feeling too well and can collapse anytime. felt nauseous up the rock wall. :X madness. imagine puke on ur head.
okii. went neoprint-ing with the rcc girls today (with the exception of duckie, yanling).

i'm going to sleep soon. maybe not. i dunno la. i'm gonna update friendster soon. YES! :X
byebye. sabrina ng needs my help. for a blogskin and she doenst even care if im not feeling well. oh WOW isnt it. BOO YA. ):
♥ Loved, yourname